
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Monday Sep 23, 2013

Zombie Walk
Level 17 Webseries
GTA 5 released this week
GTA 5 Promotion using cocaine
Gun Debate
Starbucks refuses to serve gunmen
Star Wars 7
Joss Weedon saved the day - Thor 2
Kelsey Grammer joins The Expendables 3
DC Comics & Marvel App
ComiXology App
Geek Speak are on a BOAT!
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us!

Friday Sep 20, 2013
Friday Sep 20, 2013

The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to your companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 11:-
- Who's wearing the better geeky t-shirt, and what does Brendan's have to do with Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo? -
- There's a lot of geek TV shows coming out. Steve lets you know when they're starting, and gives a Geek Speak Review of 'Sleepy Hollow'. -
- Brendan gives a round-up of all the amazing DVDs that have been released in Australia this week. -
- When the hell is 'Star Wars: Detours' coming out? Is it coming at all? -
- Angelina Jolie wants a particular type of men to be extras in the new film she's directing. It's the Sidekicks time to shine! -
- Brendan resurrects an old Geek Speak Live segment, 'Obscure Movie or TV Show of the Week'. What's on the agenda this time. -
- Have you checked out L'il Geeks? No? FOR SHAME. Lucky the Sidekicks are here to fill you in all about these great comics. -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013

Homefront - Jason Statham new film
Grudge Match - Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Kim Basinger, Alan Arkin
A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement
Robocop Remake
Phantom, Shadow and Rocketeer Remake
Jurrasic World
Meeting David Hasselhoff
Superior Spider-Man

Monday Sep 09, 2013
Monday Sep 09, 2013

Aussie Comics
Getting your Comic into Shops
DC Talent Search

Friday Sep 06, 2013
Friday Sep 06, 2013

The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 10:-
- The Sidekicks wish Geek Speak co-creator, Todd, a very happy birthday. -
- Straight onto it once again, the Sidekicks give their opinion on the just-released trailer for the new 'Robocop' film, and the confirmation of Dinobots in the newly titled 'Transformers 4: Age of Extinction'. -
- Supanova Pop Culture Expo are asking fans thoughts on paying how much for an autograph!? And what would you expect to get at a celebrity dinner you pay $250 to attend? -
- Prepare yourselves, like Brendan did, because Steve gives the lowdown on Nintendo's upcoming 2DS, Pokemon X/Y news, and Special Edition 3DS XLs. -
- A Sidekick review of Justin Randall's 'Changing Ways' from Gestalt Comics. -
- Last but not least, a Sidekick wrap-up of ZICS, the Zine and Indy Comic Symposium! -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Sep 02, 2013
Monday Sep 02, 2013

Age Of Ultron casts James Spader
Spawn New Movie Directed by Todd McFarlane
Marvel Lego - Stan Lee
Diamond Comics Previews
12 Monkeys TV Series
TOP COW Talent Search
Black Beauty - Green Hornet's Car for sale on Ebay
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Sunday Sep 01, 2013
Sunday Sep 01, 2013

The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 9:-
- The Sidekicks give a wrap of their thoughts after a week of Batfleck controversy. -
- Ultron has been cast in 'Avengers 2', but also the story's leaked as to how the big bad ends up in the Marvel movie universe. Once again Geek Speak have called it, and here's a teaser - Steve gets a big head about it. -
- Contrary to what you heard in Geek Speak Live, Steve actually LOVES 'Mallrats', so he and Brendan give a list of great comic films and explain why 'Mallrats' is awesome. -
- There are Marvel and DC Golden Books!? Man, kids these days get all the cool stuff. -
- A Sidekick review of the first episode of new SyFy series, 'Heroes of Cosplay'. -
- Did you hear about Gail Simone? No? Well listen up, because she doesn't just write superheroes, she is one! -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Aug 26, 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013

Avengers 2
Pirates 5
3d Debate
Kick-Ass 2
My Little Pony
EX3 - Mel Gibson is Buff
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Friday Aug 23, 2013
Friday Aug 23, 2013

The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 8:-
- Recorded mere hours after the announcement, the Sidekicks give their perspective on the newly-cast Batman, Ben Affleck! -
- A tear-jerking review of the DC animated film, 'Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox'. -
- Have you seen the David E. Kelly 2011 'Wonder Woman' pilot? Well the Sidekicks have, they took one for the team, and wait until you hear what they thought.... -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Thor 2
Man of Steel
TMNT - Michael Bay
Doctor Who
Beware the Batman
Aussie v New Zealand Accents
Fatman on Batman - Grant Morrison explains The Killing Joke
Batman Killed the Joker