
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Geek Speak Sidekick?
That's right - sidekicks! Steve and Brendan have torn the mics away from the others, (blood was spilled), to help bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to regular podcast Geek Speak Live!
In this episode the boys review June comics standouts 'Batman/Superman #1', the first chapter of Batman's 'Zero Year' arc, and 'Age of Ultron'; news about Batman miniseries 'Damian: Son of Batman'; Steve gets restless over word of the Pokemon Video Game Australian National Championships coming to PAX; and Brendan pops a comic boner for 'Batman '66'.
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
MAN OF STEEL Anticipation
Tonight the boys tried Podcasting via Skype for the first time. Todd, Wade & Brendan were live in the comic shop while Steve was in Brisbane. All went to plan apart from Steve thinking he was on Chat Roulette...
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Sunday Jun 02, 2013
Sunday Jun 02, 2013
Jason does the HULK exercise workout!
GREEN LANTERN's emotional pull!
Zombie Cities - Promo Book
24hr Fast Film Competition
48hr Fast Film Competition
Steve's Hug with Megan Fox
RED Lantern CHILLI Beef Jerky - The Very First Taste Testing LIVE!
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday May 20, 2013
Monday May 20, 2013
Batman LEGO : the movie
Batman: Arkham Origins teaser
TMNT & Ghostbusters CGI Films
Steve talks about Zombies with Organizers from the Brisbane Zombie Walk and also the hosts of 4zzz Radio's 'Beyond the Graveyard' showFree Comic Book Day
Steve and Mel sit down and chat with Mad Men & Supernatural Actress … Julie McNiven at Supanova Gold Coast !!!
Zine and Indy Comic Symposium ZICS is a 3 day celebration of the zine and comic mediums. It’s a gathering to meet with other fans and creators from the local and interstate scenes. Held in 2013 (30 Aug - 1 Sept) in Brisbane QLD Australia.
NIGHT TERRORS & Sleep Walking
4 guys in a comic shop on a Friday night talking Disney Princesses
Movie World replaces the Looney Toons River Ride
The Soldier Legacy’s Strange Tales #1 Features 3 part Dr. Nikola/Victorian era Soldier Legacy Back up feature story, published in ‘The Dark Detective: Sherlock Holmes’ # 7-9, with script and plot by Christopher Sequeira, and illustration and plot by Paul Mason. Also includes a Sequeira and Mason created back up feature, ‘Lazarus Burne’s Maleficus Seven’
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY WRAP UP! HULU.com, Spoilers with Kevin Smith, Online TV, Online Piracy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Michael Bay SHEILD TV Series
Aussie Comics - The Twilight Age Sherlock Holmes (The Dark Detective) McBlack
Star Trek 2 Benedict Cumberbatch
Superman: Unbound
The World's End directed by Edgar Wright, Written by Wright and Simon Pegg, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday May 06, 2013
Monday May 06, 2013
Eve of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Robert Downey Jr yet to sign on to Avengers 2 - will he be back, We review IRONMAN 3 - Tony Stark : the movie Pozible - Zombie Cities - Sorab Del Rio, Paul Beford - THE LIST The Crayfish comic book - by Cameron R. D. Laird. Illustrated by Adam Rose
Would you Raise money on Pozible?
Cosplay with Drawn2Life Defiance new series Project Kronos
We miss films that have the theme song with the same title as the movie . . . . Ladies!
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Apr 29, 2013
Monday Apr 29, 2013
Supanova Gold Coast 2013 - DID YOU SEE ALEC BALDWIN? apparently he played Darth Maul? Ninja Turtles - Comin' out of their shells, Pokemon Live show! Iron Man3 Premiere! Injustice Dc Comics Game Free Comic Book Day Across Australia - May 4th

Monday Apr 15, 2013
Monday Apr 15, 2013

Monday Apr 08, 2013
Monday Apr 08, 2013
LISTEN! you smell something? The Geek Speak Live Podcast goes to see GHOSTBUSTERS on the big screen! the Geek Speak Entourage, the kid that won the 89 Batmobile, SACK Alfred - he lets everyone in the Batcave, Flash animated movie - FLASHPOINT, Disney shuts down Lucas ARTS, Comic news and reviews.
Coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013