
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Monday Aug 19, 2013
If you missed it first Time around here is our Geekie Award Winning Podcast. Originally aired Dec 31 2012
Warner Bros Movie World Retrospective, Geek Love - ComiCon Speed
Dating, XMAS - Lego - Walkman - And why did kevin McCallister get to
have a TALKMAN and I didn't? The Underwater Realm - indie filmmaking,
Bryan Brown's Twisted Tales, What does 2013 have in store for Geek
Speak. Coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games &
anything else that interests us!

Friday Aug 16, 2013
Friday Aug 16, 2013
The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 7:-
- Working on the Show Holiday? The things these boys do. -
- What's Brendan been reading? -
- The Sidekicks chat about 'Comic Book Heroes', the ABC1 documentary on Gestalt Comics. -
- Steve gives the lowdown on ZICS, the Zine and Indy Comic Symposium coming up in Brisbane. -
- Which guests have already been announced for Oz Comic Con next year? -
- The Sidekicks give a spoiler-ridden review of 'The Wolverine'. Did we mention there are spoilers? Well there are. Sthpoilers. You have been warned. -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Aug 12, 2013
Monday Aug 12, 2013
What you talkin' 'bout Bruce Willis,
Colbie Smulders Agents of SHIELD
Two and a half men
After Life with Archie
Batman Annual
Batman Detective #23
and Margot Kidder Snubbed us

Saturday Aug 10, 2013
Saturday Aug 10, 2013

The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 6:-
- Flash is getting his own TV series!? SWEET! -
- Speaking of DC characters, wait until you hear how many are appearing in upcoming 3DS title 'Scribblenauts Unmasked'. -
- Who's the new Doctor? Steve really wants to see a female Doctor, but unfortunately he'll be disappointed in more ways than one. -
- Brendan reviews 'This is the End', but Steve won't let him do one for 'The Wolverine' until he's seen it too. -
- Steve reviews 'Pacific Rim'. Spoiler alert.....he thinks it's freaking awesome. -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Monday Aug 05, 2013
Geek Speak Live #59 - THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Also coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us! http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Friday Aug 02, 2013
Friday Aug 02, 2013
The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
GIANT SIZE Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 5 - Pt.2:-
- This issue was so big, we had to make it two parts! -
- Brendan gets his 'Batman '66' review, and even slips in one for 'Superman: Secret Identity'. -
- The Sidekicks follow up with a more in-depth review of 'Supreme Power' now that Brendan's read it. -
- What? Even more comic reviews!? That's right, the boys delve into the fantastic world of Vertigo's 'Fables'. -
- Steve unloads about PAX, and find out why he's officially put James Tobin on The List. -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to Australia's #1 geek culture podcast and TV series, Geek Speak Live!
GIANT SIZE Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 5 - Pt.1:-
- This issue was so big, we had to make it two parts! -
- The 'Man of Steel' sequel has Batman in it!? Poor Brendan, he couldn't go outside for a week with the tent he was pitching. -
- Steve explains to Brendan 'Avengers 2: Age of Ultron', not to be confused with the recent comic arc. But wait, Hank Pym won't be in it? Just wait until you find out how Steve reckons they'll introduce the big bad into the Marvel movie universe. -
- The Sidekicks discuss the spoiler-filled 'Arrow' season 2 trailer. -
- Brendan does a Geek Speak Retro Review of TV series 'Smallville', and follows it up with a review of the Season 11 comic. -
- Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2! -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to regular podcast, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 4:-
- I don't think that's what Wade means by "pots and pans"..... -
- Marvel Knights relaunches in October with indie-influenced 'Spider-Man', 'X-Men', and 'Hulk' five-issue titles. -
- There's an X-Force movie in the works? Hell yeah! Just don't let Captain Pouch have too much say. -
- 'The League of Extraordinary Gentleman' gets a put-pilot! Hopefully it's better than the film, and Steve does a quick Sidekick Retro Review of the comic series. -
- Brendan follows up on Issue 2 with news of Legendary Pictures partnering with Dune Entertainment......and Brett Ratner and James Packer? SHIT. -
- Brendan reviews 'Superman Unchained' #2, and Steve shines a spotlight on the 'Green Lantern' titles now all the creative changes have taken effect. -
- What's new on DVD this week? -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Sunday Jul 14, 2013
Geek Speak Sidekick #3 - Bond 24, Arrow Season 2, Shazam review, and more!
Sunday Jul 14, 2013
Sunday Jul 14, 2013
The Sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to regular podcast, Geek Speak Live!
Geek Speak Sidekick Issue 3:-
-Steve allows Brendan to talk about James Bond if only for a few minutes, it is pretty big news he has after all. -
- 'Arrow' season 2 has started production and Steve's afraid the curse of Summer Glau will bring it grinding to a halt. -
- 'Atomic Robo' Kickstarter hit its goal in how long!? -
- 'Iron Sky 2' looks to be getting crowd-funded, so let's get Wade in it! -
- The boys salivate over ''The Amazing Spider-Man 2' photos. -
- The Sidekicks review 'Justice League' #21 which wraps up the Shazam backstory, (it's way better than the rest of the book). -
- Steve tries to broaden Brendan's horizons with a Sidekick Retro Review of 'Supreme Power'. -
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv

Wednesday Jul 10, 2013
Wednesday Jul 10, 2013
The sidekicks are back to bring you the latest in geeky news, reviews and anything else they can get their grubby little hands on. Welcome to the new companion to regular podcast, Geek Speak Live!
Join Steve and Brendan as they drop some MASSIVE news regarding Oz Comic-Con (which leaves Brendan torn as to which costume to wear next year); discuss new reality show 'Heroes of Cosplay' and cosplay in general, which ends up with Steve calling out TV presenter James Tobin; kneel before newly released 'Injustice' character, General Zod; try to determine 'Guardians of the Galaxy' news or rumour; and Brendan channels his inner Disney geek to bring a review of 'Monsters University'. Steve's slowly teaching Brendan the ways of being more than just the Batman/Bond correspondent, even if it means threatening his prized possessions.....
For more coverage on all things geeky head along to http://www.facebook.com/geekspeaktv